Local Authority Files

Contents: Subjects | Dietary | Shorthand

This is the page with the lists of words to be used for the metadata fields of Subjects and Dietary and substitutions for the shorthand words within the ingredients list and directions of the recipe. You should always check this page before creating your metadata. If the recipe requires a new word for either the subject or dietary field, you should add it to the correct section of this page. However, avoid any overlaps and synonyms. Only add new wordsto the metadata when absolutely necessary.


The subjects field describes the type of recipe which is written on the card. This includes two sections: the type of dish a recipe is and a more descriptive portion detailing either when the dish is usually eaten, or the general type of food it is.

Dish Type List

Meal/Food Type

Here is a word cloud visualization of the Subjects field. Here you can see how many times each word was used in the metadata. You can also view this word cloud on the Subjects Page


This section details the dietary restriction field of the metadata. The following words are used to describe the recipe as allergen or diet friendly.



Here is a word cloud visualization of the Dietary field. You can see how many times each word was used in the metadata. You can also view this word cloud on the Dietary Page


This section provides lists of longform words to put into the Ingredients and Directions metadata fields in place of the shorthand terms which are used to save space on the physical recipe card. You can use this section to determine what word to use if there is any confusion. Not all recipes have the same shorthand versions. If you come across a new term at any time, add it to this list for future reference.




